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I am currently the Chief Strategies Officer at Commonweal, a center for learning, transformation and discovery. Commonweal’s 40+ programs span the areas of health and healing, education and the arts, and environment and justice.

Previously, I worked on Meta’s Responsible Innovation team, where I developed strategies aimed at mitigating harmful impacts of new technologies on individuals and society, and co-led the team’s education programs.

From 2012-2019 I worked with the Presencing Institute where I helped bring the organization’s work with Theory U to scale. Most notably, I co-created and facilitated the MITx course u.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future, which has reached over 200,000 people from 185 countries and is seen as a model for how to blend online and offline elements to create transformative learning environments. I also led an initiative focused on societal transformation, a collaboration with HuffPost that launched in January 2019 and empowers cross-disciplinary teams to tackle social challenges using collective systems mapping and design processes.

My role in earlier Presencing Institute projects was to make visible, through writing research, the often-invisible dynamics of social change. I served as the learning historian for the Presencing Institute's Global Wellbeing Lab from 2013-2016, documenting the process and early outcomes of an effort to move beyond GDP in different parts of the world. I also contributed writing and editing for Theory U, 2nd Edition (2016) and Leading From the Emerging Future (2013).

In 2012, as a graduate student at Columbia University, I worked in public health in Ghana through the Millennium Villages Project, where I wrote a series of ethnographies that then-Chair of the One Million Community Health Worker Campaign Prabhjot Singh called “stunning vignettes, both lively and easy and easy to read as well as deeply insightful into the attitudes and operations of these programs as they actually are on the way to what we hope they become.”

I have also worked as a full-time youth mentor with Summer Search in Philadelphia, spent a year living and working with grassroots NGOs in India through a fellowship from American Jewish World Service, and taught English for a period of time in Costa Rica with WorldTeach. 

On the individual level, I am trained and certified by Integral Coaching Canada (ICC) to offer customized leadership coaching programs. ICC’s rigorous training is deeply rooted in an understanding of human development, and enables me to help clients become aware of how they approach situations, see new possibilities, and develop the specific capacities they need to get unstuck and sustain change that deeply matters to them. For more information, or to contact me directly with questions, please visit this page.